Hear O, Mahatma - Some initial reactions.

'Hear O, Mahatma' Poster (Can be used on an as it basis under CC) Naveen Sunag, Filmmaker, UK (26-09-2024) It is a film one should not miss watching. The content is remarkable, weaving a powerful narrative that resonates deeply. Thoughtfully composed shots and a complementary sound design make it stand out. I found myself captivated by the beauty and depth of the storytelling. Shrikanth Prabhu Filmmaker Bengaluru, Karnataka (26-09-2024) The A I tools you have chosen are perfect and appropriate for our times. The crumbling bent, distorted lines, especially the verticals are true mirroring of the decay and rot that has set in the society. At times the graphics in the background came close to reminding us of the Swastika !! No other country/society can understand this filth you have stirred to touch our conscience. You have used a surgical blade to highlight the plight of the humans crushed in the crossfire of caste, class and the dirty acts of the rogues calling themselves pol...