“Bankrupts penetrates ones mind and conscience in its own Taka tak way”.

Naveen Sunag is an independent film maker based out of UK. He is a graduate from the VGIK film school in Russia. His views after watching the film The Bankrupts (Haal-e-Kangaal):-
Hemant Mahaur
"The Bankruts ( Haal - e – Kangal), a film made by dear friend, film maker P.N. Ramchandra effectively narrates the intellectual, emotional , ethical, cultural, professional so on and so forth, bankruptcy of the society. 

It is a productive piece that shows the decadence of the present world around us. A world of adjustments, easily jumping to conclusion and passing on judgements on one another.

The jump cuts and the characters of the film going inside their characters, coming out of them at times to narrate the script as another character (This also reminds me of one my own scripts), a technique used in the film goes well with the narration

Needless to say both actors have done good justice to the characters they have played. In all the film engages the audience well and the content of the film makes them sit back and watch till THE END. 
Niraj Sah

“Bankrupts penetrates ones mind and consince with its own Taka tak way”. I am sure Like his earlier films ( SUDDHA AND PUTANI PARTY) this film will fetch Ram accolades at national and international levels. 

Thanks Ram for making such a beautiful film and let me watch it."

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